Meine Geschichte
So wurde ich von einer Büroangestellten zur selbsständigen Yogalehrerin
Hi there! My name is Lisa and I am the founder and manager of Flylight Yoga and lead trainer at FlowYogaMultiStyle.com
I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur with over 1.000 hours of multi-style yoga teacher trainings.
I am Austrian and live close to Vienna. I moved there in 2001 to study and graduated at the academy for advertising and marketing. I started working 9-5 for an advertising agency in 2003 but soon found myself there feeling empty and bored. In 2005 I made a big decision and quit that job to go on tour with a international circus company to perform on stage and help manage their bookings. This was my first step to follow my own dream, it took some courage but was so rewarding. I toured the world with them for 10 years as a multi hoop and fire performance artist.
Yoga has been part of my life since 2003. It has always complemented my circus training and helped me stay balanced. I remember very well my first ever Hatha yoga class that I took in Vienna. I taught I would never be able to hold a downward dog for longer than 1 breath. Triangle pose felt so weird and I fell out of it several times - haha! :D I soon discovered the amazing benefit of having a continuous practise and the wonderful longterm benefits yoga has on your body and mind.
In 2010 I started teaching my big passion: How to spin a hula hoop and dance with it to find a FLOW* state. I discovered how much joy I felt to share what I love, to help others experience what made me so happy. I realised for the first time that when you put all of your heart into something and believe into yourself, there is no other possibility than to succeed.
2013 I started thinking about different sources of income and decided to sign up for a 50 hours yoga teacher training for dancers in Vienna. Then I discovered Aerial Yoga and was compelled by the playful and artistic approach. I took the first ever Aerial Yoga teacher training in Vienna with my mentor Sheila Falk and immediately started teaching for her. We became dear friends and business partners and now teach a variety of yoga teacher trainings together in her studio: Yogafusion Vienna. I saw how much more you can achieve when you find your tribe of people that you really resonate with and share the same values.
2015 was a year of many changes. I had reached a point in my life where I was no longer able to follow the orders of any boss. I felt so strong that I had this potential in me to follow my own dream and make it become true. I took a big leap and became fully self-employed and free to spend my precious time only with projects that I fully believed in. Stepping out of my comfort zone and standing up for myself was such a great learning experience for me.
We successfully launched our first 200 hours “Flow Yoga Multi-Style” teacher training in 2020 despite all circustances and we added a 300 hours course as well. Both trainings include Vinyasa Flow, Aerial Yoga, AcroYoga, Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. We had found a perfect niche in the market and diversified our portfolio.
I know that teaching yoga is the one thing that I will enjoy teaching until the end of my life and it brings me so much happiness when I share what I love with my students. This is my best reward and where I found my purpose in the pursuit of leading a meaningful life.
Being able to transform my passion into my profession and lead a good life is something that I am deeply grateful for. I truly think everybody can achieve this and that everybody deserves this.
I had to be brave and give up what seemed secure but kept me from discovering my full potential. It is one of my biggest pleasures to help my students find the guidance to follow the same path. This is why I love what I do and do what I love.
* What is FLOW?
To experience this “FLOW state” is what made a big difference in my live. A real game changer. When you are in FLOW you are totally absorbed in what you do. You forget what is happening around you. You are completely in this moment, the here and now.
Later I found out that there are many ways how you can enter this FLOW state. For some it is spinning a hula hoop, for others it is dancing or jogging or knitting… There are so many ways to enter into FLOW.
Practising yoga and meditation is what helped me the most along the way. I found my FLOW in Yinyasa, Aerial Yoga and AcroYoga.
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